Your Next Stamp: Guest designing!

Hey guys!

I think the cat is out of the bag already... or the chickie! But I'm super excited to say that I'm a monthly guest at Your Next Stamp for September, woot woot!

YNS is an amazing canadian company that I love to support however I can and their products are just so inspiring! Wait 'til you see what they have in store for you guys with the upcoming release, totally worth every single penny! They also have a blog full of inspirational posts, challenges and more, so you definitely don't want to miss out on that one eiher.

So for my first project, I used the uber cute Birthday Chickie (CYNS452) stamp set, combined with the Whatnot Sentiments Set Ten (CYNS563). I couldn't decide which chickie I preferred, so I used them all... go figure!

Aren't they just adorable? It's like they are literally flying from happiness!

Oh and if you're interested into seeing this card on video, here you go!

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